Principal’s Quote

I’m as passionate about Christian Education today as I was when I first began in 1987. These days my focus is developing young teachers into great teachers, and great teachers into great leaders.

Welcome To Melton Christian College

principal’s welcome

In my role as Principal of this remarkable school community it is my pleasure and privilege to partner with both the staff and parents in the education of our students.

To those of you who are joining this College community for your children’s schooling I say; congratulations, you have made an excellent choice. Schooling is the most significant partnership that you as parents will enter on behalf of your children.

To those of you who are seeking a school for your children I suggest you contact our Registrar well in advance of your child’s start-date, because as the excellent reputation of this College continues to grow, waiting lists for places become our reality.

Foundation of Faith

Melton Christian College is built on a foundation of faith; my intention as Principal, along with my staff team, is to continue building on this foundation.

In Christian schooling, Christian faith permeates everything. Faith is not merely an addition to an excellent curriculum. In Christian schooling, faith underpins every program, every policy and every practice.

Our teachers are passionate, qualified educators. Every staff member acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord over all of life, and we know our God-given responsibility is to guide young people towards true success through the development of a healthy view of their value within contemporary society. At Melton Christian College there is a wonderful alliance as staff and parents partner together for the children’s schooling.

Strength through Authenticity and Excellence

Our College is strengthened by authenticity, and alignment between the Principal and the College Council. Our Council members have a deep commitment to ongoing success of the college’s future.

Our Heads of School, Mr Derek Bendall (Secondary), Mrs Jodie Vamplew (Primary – Brookfield), and Mrs Kellie Giannes (Toolern Vale) are creative, committed Christian educators who have the confidence and dedication of their staff teams. Mrs Cathie Dixon is Head of Operations and brings rich insights from her experience as a business manager. Mr Reyson Royo is our Head of Finance, an astute operator, skilled in planning this school’s financial future. Our Teaching and Learning team are passionate about leading teachers to optimise student outcomes. Clearly, the strength of this College is in its staff and their commitment to student success.

As students and staff work together in the pursuit of high quality teaching and learning, we confidently anticipate the ongoing strengthening of this school’s already excellent reputation.

David Gleeson
