18 Jul 24

New Term, New Facilities

Newsletter | Toolern Vale Update

Welcome back to a fresh and chilly start to Term Three! It is always a joy to see our students and families after a break, and this time, it was even more exciting than usual. Our new playground and welcome/waiting area are now open and ready for everyone to enjoy. The new playground and grass area have been a huge hit, and we are thrilled to see the students exploring and having fun in the new space. If you haven’t had the chance to visit yet, I encourage you to do so. It adds a beautiful touch to our already beautiful campus.

As we look ahead to all the wonderful activities this term, it’s easy to get caught up and lose sight of the present. Our term is packed with events and excursions that we can all look forward to – the official D block opening, 100 days of Prep for our Prep classes, Father’s Day, and various excursions and incursions for some of our subjects. With all these exciting events on the horizon, it’s important for us to embrace each day and each moment, making the most of every opportunity to connect, support, and learn from each other.

Every day is a blessing, and our staff community deeply values the time we spend with you as MCC families. We never take these moments for granted. As we move into this term, let’s continue to do what we do best – taking the time to connect and support one another. The everyday moments are often the most precious and valuable ones we get to experience. Thank you for being a part of it all!

kellie giannes, head of toolern vale campus