6 May 22

Primary News and Key Dates

Newsletter | Primary Update

Welcome back to term two. I hope that you all had a wonderful break as we celebrated the death and resurrection of our wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It has been a joy to hear that the children have come back settled and ready to learn.

As we move forward into this new term, I hope the following points are helpful reminders for you.


  • Monday 9 May – Years 5 and 6 Cyber Safety presentation
  • Tuesday 10 May to Friday 20 May – NAPLAN for Years 3 and 5
  • Monday 16 May to Friday 20 May – Year 6 Alternate Program and Camp
  • Monday 23 May – Year 6 Primary Leadership Christian Conference
  • Wednesday 1 June – Year 3 Excursion
  • Tuesday 14 June – Report Writing Day – no students onsite
  • Friday 24 June – Last day of Term two


  • Full winter uniform to be worn from the start of week three – Monday, 9 May
  • School jackets may be worn, but are in addition to the jumper – a jacket without a jumper is not acceptable
  • Dress warmly as ventilation is still required in classrooms


  • Parents will be issued with an invitation to attend Chapel on the day that their child’s class is presenting the message – your child’s homeroom teacher will notify you of this
  • This allows people to begin attending Chapel again in a safely monitored way


  • When crossing the road in the carpark it is important that your child knows they are to use the zebra crossing – parents, please model this for our children
  • If your child crosses a road outside of the school grounds on their way to or from school, remind them that they must use a zebra crossing to cross safely
  • Parents are not to stop their cars on the zebra crossing in the car park as children need constant access to these so that they can enter the school safely

I hope that you and your children have a positive and successful term.

If you have any questions at all, never hesitate to contact us as we are here to work with you.

Jodie Vamplew, Head of Primary

Encouragement Awards

Cruz S. Sehaj K. Naomi B.
Noah B. Korey D. Hudson C.
Gavin M. Naseeb B. Darren K.
Mason S. Brighton G. Arjun M.
Kohinoor J. Liana V.
Abigail R. Zac W.
Adi S. Aiden C.
Aria R. Kabir S.
Akona D. Hazel K.
Henry M. Aayansh P.
Tanveer K.
Elijah A.
Liam O.
Samreet W.


Ekroop S. Zander A. Jasmine C. Charli C.
Sachnirat G. Anthony F. Chloe P. Julian D.
Brooklyn H. Luke D. Trae W. Levi G.
Khush P. Dakota J. Shehbaz S. Hamish A.
Asess K. Jonah F. Jayden N. Max H.
Eden G. Vittoria P. Bernadette V. Lara D.
Ajak D. Nyah R.
Tegh S. Molly B.
Jacob G. Kierra S.
Abhayjeet B. Lucas C.
Kuol K.
Tylan K.