18 Jul 24

Reminders for the Start of Term

Newsletter | Primary Update

Welcome back to Term Three. It was lovely to see our students return on Monday with smiles on their faces, ready and eager to learn. This term is packed with exciting learning opportunities, so please keep an eye on the newsletter and your emails to stay updated with all the happenings.

Here is an overview of key events for this term:

Week 2:  Parent-Teacher Conversations – Thursday 25 July (afternoon/evening), and Friday 26 July (daytime).

Week 3:  Year 5 Camp – Wednesday 31 July to Friday 2 August.

Week 4:   Year 4 Camp – Thursday 8 August to Friday 9 August.

Week 4: Prep 100 Days Celebration – Friday 9 August.

Week 6: Book Week.

Week 7: Book Week Incursion – Wednesday 28 August.

Week 10: Years 3 to 6 Mini Musical “Finding Nemo Kids” – Tuesday 17 September and Wednesday 18 September.

Week 10: Last day of school for students – Thursday 19 September.

Additionally, there are numerous sporting events and various incursions or excursions that your child may participate in. Therefore, please monitor all communications carefully.

We understand that some of you are in the process of purchasing new uniform items as your child grows. Please be aware that uniform violations will be issued starting from Week Two. It is acceptable for your child to wear a plain white skivvy under their uniform during the colder weather.

Uniform Expectations

 Please be reminded of the following uniform expectations, as outlined in the MCC Handbook:

  • Scarves and beanies are optional, but if worn, they must be plain navy blue.
  • Formal uniform is to be worn with plain navy socks.
  • Sports uniform is to be worn with plain white socks.
  • Hair that reaches the back collar must be tied back at all times.
  • Hair accessories must match the colour of our uniform.
  • One plain stud or plain sleeper is allowed in the lower part of each ear. Additional piercings are only permitted if a clear plastic retainer is used.
  • A simple Christian symbol necklace is permitted, but rings, bangles, bracelets, or wristbands are not allowed.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.

Let us join together in praying for our children and for a successful Term Three.

jodie vamplew, head of primary