13 Mar 25

Where Were You 40 Years Ago?

Newsletter | Primary Update

Where were you 40 years ago? Many of you were probably not even born! When I think back 40 years ago, I was in Year 11 – gee, a lot has happened in that time.

40 years ago was the beginning of Melton Christian College, or Melton Christian Academy. Many of you will be aware of its humble beginnings at the Scout Hall in Melton. And wow, so much has happened in that time too. Look at where we are now – a P-12 campus at Brookfield, a P-3 campus at Toolern Vale and now in the very first year of our Online Campus! God is good. It was so lovely being able to celebrate with our MCC community last Tuesday at the 40th anniversary festival. I wonder if those very first students and staff ever imagined that’s what MCC would look like in 40 years?

We don’t know what the future holds. We may not know what things will look like for us in 40 years. We do not know what any of our Prep children will have achieved at the end of the next 40 years as a 45-year-old. We do not know what any of our Year 6 students will have achieved at the end of the next 40 years as a 52-year-old. But our job, together as parents and staff, is to work together to help them on their journey to becoming all that God intends for them to be. To encourage them, to coach them and to correct and guide them when they make unwise decisions. We do this together because it matters. We work through the tough times together, because our children matter, because we see the adults we want them to become. We do this because we know God has a plan for them for the next 40 years and more. As staff at Melton Christian College, we do not give up on the children in our care. We persevere together – through the smooth times and the rough times. Imagine if we gave up – how much would we miss seeing what God is able to achieve?

We look forward to continuing to partner with you. Even when the conversations are difficult and involve the children of other parents. Let’s continue to sow the seeds into our children and watch them grow and develop over time. As staff, we may not see the end product, but you will and that is exciting. As we sow these seeds, we trust that God will nurture them, shaping our children into who He has called them to be.

Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

jodie vamplew, head of primary