19 Aug 22

Feedback from our Community

Newsletter | Secondary Update

Melton Christian College has a reputation in our community. It is a positive reputation. We are known for our five Core Values of Christ-centeredness, Respect, Community, Excellence and our Passion for Teaching and Learning.

How do I know this?

I know this through various functions and events where our students interact with the community. Feedback from camp staff who tell me our students are different from the other groups they get; they are respectful and polite. Feedback from different excursions in regards to how well behaved our students were during the excursion. These are a couple of indications of what the community believes about us, but the biggest example, this year, has been the feedback I have received from our Year 10s who went out on work experience.

Week Three saw almost all our Year 10s find a work placement at over 60 different organisations. This was the first indication that our community knows about us and who we are. In this post pandemic season, where taking on an ‘outsider’ is avoided – 60 organisation chose to take a chance with one of our students. It is evident that during that week, our year 10 students represented the College well, displaying all our College Core Values that I have already mentioned. This was evident as over 25% of our students were offered employment by the end of that week, and more offers have come through since. Well done to our Year 10 students!

One student in particular, Sarah M, completed her work experience placement with our member of Parliament, Steve McGhie MP. Through this experience she had the opportunity to write up a report about a community event that Steve McGhie MP read out during a Parliamentary sitting. Well done, Sarah!

Derek Bendall, Head of Secondary