6 May 22

An ANZAC Day to Remember

Newsletter | Community

Anzac Day is a very meaningful day and important to commemorate.  I was very privileged to be able to represent our school at the Melton Dawn Service. Anzac Day is a day for us to remember the soldiers that fought for us.

When I arrived at the Dawn Service it was quiet and you could see the street lights shining on the road. It was a very cold morning but that is a very small sacrifice that we make to simply remember them. The service started and leaders from the Melton community made speeches about the ANZACs that fought for our country. Schools, community groups and councillors were given the time to lay wreaths one by one. The Bugler played “The Last Post” then a minute of silence began. It was so quiet and peaceful. It gave everyone the time to stop and to pay their respects to the people who fought for Australia past, present and for the people who will serve in the future. Then Bugler played “The Rouse” to signal that the minute of silence had finished.

The sun began to rise, and the service slowly came to an end. People looked at the names on the Cenotaph. Some people looked at the wreaths. Some people took photos. This was an ANZAC Day to remember.

Eva, Year 6 Student