4 Mar 22

God’s Unchanging Love

Newsletter | Principal's Message

Today I want to give you a tiny little window into our world at work. You may already assume this, but our staff team prays together every morning before school. 

It is not surprising that we pray together; we are a Christian school, so we express our Christian-faith in the form of daily prayers. We gather each morning by Zoom; everyone together or in smaller groups. It includes teachers and non-teachers, the whole lot of us.   

In these gatherings, one of us presents motivational, inspiring ideas in the form of a mini address. We call this tiny speech a ‘devotion’. We all listen while one of us tells the rest of us how Christ’s teachings in the Christian Bible can impact our day. It is a way that we can stir one another up to be loving and to do good. And after listening, we pray. 

Our colleague who addressed us this morning is one of our non-teaching staff. His short speech was very stirring. He explained how he felt inwardly. He said that he wanted to recapture his earliest enthusiasm for following Christ’s teachings. He told us how enthusiastic he had been, and yet, how he had allowed other distractions to get in the way of his first, rich and deep love for Christ. 

Those of us who were listening found this comforting and inspiring because we knew that every one of us felt the same way. We too wanted to recapture our unwavering love for God. We also felt that we had allowed busy-ness, worries, distractions and concerns to steal away the peace we gain from loving Jesus.  

The good news is that despite our weakness, despite us forgetting to love Him, God’s love for us never changes and there’s nothing we can do to make Him love us any less or any more than he does right now.  

David Gleeson, Principal