19 Aug 22

Beyond Halfway

Newsletter | Well-Being

Today as I sit to write, we are just beyond halfway through this term of learning! I am sitting in a halfway completed renovation of the wellbeing space, a space that has seen so much growth in those that come through it, and I will see so much more growth to come. I’m reminded of the many ‘halfways’ I have encountered; from road trips to Queensland, the hikes, the bikes, or the projects to be completed. Not all halfways have felt the same. Some are hard, and some even feel impossible. But there is always something special about being beyond halfway. The working world has coined the term ‘hump day’ for Wednesdays, in an effort to liven up the drudgery of the work week, with the picture of a hill that has been climbed to begin the coast into the weekend.

But the halfway point can be so much more! It can go beyond the idea of coasting to the end. It can be a point of celebration, regrouping, refuelling, and reengaging. A place where reflection meets anticipation. As a college, what can this halfway meeting point mean for us? When I think of our mission here of ‘equipping each child to move towards their full potential in Christ’, let’s consider what these next few weeks can be.

As a student (which we all are), how much learning can be achieved? Are there adjustments that will make a difference to our wellbeing, our work, and our week? As humans, can we head towards healing, health, and wholeness? In how many encounters can we leave a positive deposit?

In this privilege of partnership, what can we achieve together in our communications? Our decisions? Our encouragements? Even our challenges and conflicts that we have, whether they’re with, for, or on behalf of our kids?

Let’s believe and endure beyond halfway, as we choose to make the most of this mission we are called together – to continue growing the whole person.

Bonnie Lang, Head of Pastoral Care