14 Mar 24

Community in Action

Sarah Quinto | Primary Update

Community is one of our five core values and it is especially visible as we anticipate the significant events ahead in the weeks preceding our term break. Within the context of our Christian College, what does this value truly mean?

We are more than just individuals occupying the same space; we are a group bound by our shared commitment to the College’s core values and our embrace of its Christian ethos. Together, we nurture a common hope and demonstrate genuine care for one another, particularly in supporting the education and growth of our children, who are taught to cherish God and each other.

Over the next few weeks, where will we witness community in action?

  • Wednesday, March 20th – Primary Athletics Carnival for Years 3 to 6: Here, our students experience belonging not only within the broader MCC community but also within their respective house teams. Parents play a vital role in fostering this spirit of community as they cheer on not only their own children but also encourage other children during their events. This is being community-minded.
  • Wednesday, March 27th – Parent-Teacher Conversations: This gathering provides meaningful dialogue about our children, emphasising our collaborative efforts as parents and educators united in a common purpose. Learning matters in our community. More information will be emailed to you soon regarding booking a time for these conversations – do not miss this chance to talk with your child’s teacher.

These occasions serve not only as opportunities to grow community but also to contribute to the nurturing of a Christian environment where every individual is esteemed, embraced, and loved. As we approach Easter, let us reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, which extends to each and every member of our MCC community.

Wishing you a blessed Easter,
Jodie Vamplew
Head of Primary