Academic Coaching

Supporting Student Learning

In addition to the supporting students in their learning inside their timetabled lessons, the College also offers after school academic coaching. MCC’s program ensures that learners are afforded even more access to their teachers and their expertise to support them further in their journey.  This program is free of charge to families, demonstrating that MCC is indeed a school committed to academic growth of our students.

Academic Coaching

Weekly tutoring is offered in Secondary between 3.40 pm – 4.30 pm on Wednesdays.

Secondary Tutoring

No matter what a student’s need is or their level of ability, we strive to support them in their educational growth and development.  The tutoring services we provide are designed to cater to the specific needs of all our Secondary learners. This is provided through a three-fold approach, including: specialised tutoring, general tutoring and a homework hub.

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General Tutoring in Secondary

The College offers weekly after school general tutoring services. All students are empowered to pursue their learning further by accessing the general tutoring service and can attend general tutoring with any teacher from the secondary team. All secondary students are welcome to attend on an ‘as needs’ basis. General tutoring provides students the opportunity to prepare for an upcoming assessment under the guidance of their subject teacher or seek clarification on any of the concepts or skills they have been learning in class.

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Homework Hubs in Secondary

The College provides Secondary students with a supervised Homework Hub four afternoons a week. Students have access to ICT, and a structured and quiet environment where they can independently complete assigned homework with minimal distraction.