22 Jul 22

Equipping Students to Reach Their Full Potential in Christ

Newsletter | Secondary Update | Teaching and Learning

The middle of the year is a busy time in schools. Semester one reports are prepared and sent out, where students’ academic achievement is recognised and opportunities for future improvement are identified. After two years of disrupted learning, many students sat their first exams and developed a skill that they will use in their future education pathway.

We held our Senior Years Information Night, where parents and students learned about the senior subjects and programs. Our Year 10 and 11 students have selected their VCE or VCE VM subjects that will best prepare them for their future pathways. We have been excited to be able to increase our range of elective options for our Year 8s going into Year 9, with the number of electives increasing to 16 options. This includes new subjects such as Outdoor Education, Forensic Science, Textiles and preparation subjects for VCE Psychology and Business subjects. We have also given the Year 9 students the opportunity to apply to accelerate into a VCE subject or select some of the new electives in their Year 10 course. Our hope for these new subjects is that they will allow students to explore their God-given talents and interests and increase their passion for learning.

However, some of the most important opportunities for teaching and learning occurred outside of the traditional classroom. Students were given the opportunity to represent the school in netball or volleyball in the CSEN Western Secondary Rally Day. Eighteen teams and over 150 students demonstrated their God-given talents on the sporting arena, developed their ability to work as a member of a team and represented our school admirably.

In the last week of Term 2, we also saw eighteen months of hard work and preparation from a group of staff and students come to fruition with the Secondary School Musical, Shrek Jr. It was great to see a wide range of students come together to put in the work on stage and behind the scenes to produce an amazing production. It was encouraging to see students being affirmed in their gifts and talents through this learning platform. All the makeup artists, backstage crew and many other helpers worked together to ensure that every actor’s talent and hard work shone through in the performance.

Teaching and learning occurs in every facet of school life, not just in the classroom, and we encourage every student to take the range of opportunities available, so that they can be equipped to reach their full potential in Christ.

Secondary Teaching and Learning Team