7 Jun 23

Every Day Core Values

Newsletter | Primary Update

It was wonderful to say hello to some of you at our term two open classroom afternoon. You must be pleased with the way your child/ren guided you through their learning and were able to explain to you what activities happen weekly in their classrooms.

I had the privilege of being in a classroom and seeing the pride on the faces of the children as they showed their parents their work. It is plain to see that our Core Value of Passion for Teaching and Learning is embraced and valued within our college community. We see children who take pride in how their work is presented and we see teachers who enjoy the gift of teaching. Our other Core Values are also demonstrated in a variety of ways each day.

Children demonstrate Respect on their way in each morning. Greeting staff with a smile and wishing them a good day.

Excellence is seen in the way they proudly wear our uniform correctly.

Children care about each other, they check in on each other, they encourage each other because Community matters.

When children pass us singing worship songs or showing love towards their peers, that is Christ-Centredness in action.

It is in the small things that our Core Values can be seen. They do not have to be big gestures. We are blessed to see these Core Values in the little things each day. Thank you for the way that you contribute to our five Core Values through your conversations with us, with other parents and with your children.

Please be aware of the following dates, as there will be no students onsite:

  • Monday 12 June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday
  • Tuesday 13 June – Report Writing Day

Jodie Vamplew, Head of Primary