4 May 21

Recipe for Life

chadmin | Well-Being

On this cold wet and windy day, I am looking forward to eating my aromatic, tasty, curry, left over from last night’s meal. Whilst doing so, I am reminded of something that makes a lot of sense. When we make a beautiful curry, we take a variety of ingredients that, in and of themselves, we would say are not lovely. I am yet to meet someone that would sit down to enjoy a cup of fish sauce or a plate of chillies. But together with good handling and the proper proportions we are left with a beautiful warm gastronomic hug in the form of a curry. I have a similar reflection when I think of the challenges of life viewed through the lens of the verse from Romans 8:28.

 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’

Circumstances, challenges, conflict, and obstacles, we would rightly say, are not always lovely in and of themselves and in fact can be really difficult, but together, with good handling, definitely in manageable proportions, a humble attitude and in partnership with God and his purposes, we can create and enjoy a life of fulfilment, empathy, understanding and perhaps most valuable, of peace.

MCC using the PeaceWise, approach to solve and view conflict as an opportunity, is a perfect example of this. I love that every day I get to be a part of a community here at MCC that works in partnership with God and each other to produce life that is rich, authentic, peace pursuing, and real, that perhaps is not always easy, but is always worthwhile. 

Bonnie Lang

Head of Pastoral Care