29 Feb 24

Learning Life-saving Skills

Newsletter | Primary Update

On Wednesday the 21st of February, Years 2-6 attended the St. John’s First Aid Incursion.

The students have learnt about the acronym DRSABCD, which stands for:

They also learned how to do CPR correctly and all the other steps you need to know to save a human being. They also got to experience doing it on a dummy.

They completed a quiz and found out tons of facts about general first aid.

We learned that when a person’s heart stops beating, they have only a 12% chance of surviving, and it decreases by 1% every minute. However, CPR maintains their current rate of survival.

This experience was perfect for the students who didn’t know anything about first aid, and this was something that students will remember if the time comes to use their skills.

Thank you, St Johns!

Written by Ekshan Chatha and William Sulja, Primary Captains 2024