21 Nov 19

Christ-Centred Education

chadmin | Teaching and Learning

We love Christian Education

Teachers at Melton Christian College are deeply committed to the delivery of Christ-centred education.
Christ-centered education is:

  • More than being a Christian who delivers curriculum content.
  • More than being a Christian who works in a school.
  • More than having incidental conversations with students about Jesus.
  • More than studying Scriptures once a week in Bible class.
  • More than attending Chapel.
  • More than a daily morning devotion.

These things are good. And these things happen. They are markers of our school’s identity. Authentic Christ-centered education goes even further and positions Christ at the centre of all things. Christ-centered education recognises that there is no part of creation that He is not sovereign. Learning is a faithful response to being made in the
image of God; we are creative and compassionate and are called to learn how to care for all things.

The Creation, Fall, Redemption, Renewal (CFRR) schema helps us to understand the place and role that Jesus Christ has within the whole scriptural story and, importantly, that He is the central pivot point of the Scriptures.


God in Christ has created all things – He’s the sovereign creator, setting up humankind for a loving responsive relationship with Himself.

In MCC classrooms we enquire:

  • What is God’s created intention (for this area)?
  • What is God’s purpose for (this area)?
  • How have humans been involved in this


All things have fallen as a result of sin – there’s distance and fracture.

In MCC classrooms we wonder:

  • What’s gone wrong?
  • How has sin distorted God’s intention (for this area)?
  • What has humankind done, or what have we done, to mess up, distort and misuse (this area?)


Christ came to the earth to redeem all things – the relationship can be re-established.

In MCC classrooms we reflect:

  • What has the cross achieved in confronting brokenness (in this area)
  • How has the cross brought new life to our understanding of this part of God’s creation?
  • How has Christ redeemed (this area)?


In response to Christ’s act, we are called to work in partnership with God as all things are renewed – we can be part of the renewed relationship.

In MCC classrooms we ask:

  • How do God’s people express their desire to be Christ’s hands and feet in bringing renewal (to this area)?
  • Because we know Christ, what hope for this topic can we experience now?
  • What does an obedient response to (this area) look like?

Key source: National Institute for Christian Education (2017) Transformation by Design.

Kristie Barber
Head of Teaching & Learning