15 Mar 23

Partnering With You

Newsletter | Principal's Message

I have good news.

Parenting is really difficult; but fortunately that is NOT the good news that I have for you 😊.

The good news that I have for you is that you are not alone in the challenges of nurturing your children. You have us alongside you.

Of course, we might rightly assume that it is a little bit comforting for you to hear me openly declare that parenting is difficult. It can make parents feel better just knowing that they are recognised. In particular, there may be some comfort for you that the principal of your child’s school is aware that parenting is super-hard work. But this good news about us being alongside you is more than just a bit of generous empathy. It is practical help.

You see, by enrolling at Melton Christian College, you are part of a school community that is committed to partnership between parents and teachers. I myself, as a representative of our whole school staff team, am your partner in nurturing learning for your children.

Our passion as a school is for holistic learning. We are committed to improving learning outcomes for the whole child. We love seeing academic growth; it is one of our passions. We are equally passionate about nurturing social development and physical development, and as a Christian school it is no surprise that we passionately nurture spiritual development. We do all we can to create learning opportunities for the intellectual, spiritual, physical and social development of our students … and we know that that is exactly what you, our students’ parents are hoping we will do.

So, the natural question is: How do you make this partnership with our school successful?

Well, both sides of any partnership have parts to play. The teachers, the coordinators, the department heads all have their tasks. And in the same way, you as parents have your role to fulfil.

The main task of teachers and other staff is to create successful learning environments. Our College’s learning spaces and places are to be safe and secure. Calmness and peace within our learning spaces will allow children to learn optimally. Teachers are to assist their learners to be on track, on task, on time and to feel on top of their game.

As a parent at our College, your task in this partnership is to reinforce what is being taught at school. Oh, and I should emphasise what I said earlier that it is not just one or other aspect of the learning. Join us in our passion for holistic learning; intellectual, physical, social and spiritual. The whole child matters to us. Learning matters to us.

So, partner with us. Don’t try to do this alone when there is a terrific resource in the form of dedicated teachers, excellent programs, and a passion for improving student learning outcomes, the whole child.

Dave Gleeson, Principal