26 Jun 24

Partners in Learning

Newsletter | Primary Update

As we come to the end of another term, I want to take a moment to celebrate what makes Christian education at Melton Christian College so special. We are truly blessed with amazing staff. Our primary teachers spend many hours preparing lessons that teach the Australian Curriculum through a biblical lens. Isn’t it wonderful to see God and learning coming together?

Our staff deeply care about your children and work hard to help each one fulfill the purpose God has for them. They take their responsibilities seriously and show genuine care and dedication every day.

Our students, your children, also play a big part in this success. By wearing the correct uniform, arriving on time, and starting the day calmly, they help create a positive learning environment. These simple actions set them up for success before the school day even begins. Your support is just as important. By working together with your child’s teacher, keeping open communication, helping with at-home tasks, and building positive relationships, you contribute greatly to our shared success. Together, we all flourish.

As we get ready for Term Three, here are some ways to prepare for a successful start:

  • Make sure you have all the correct uniform items.
  • Re-read the handbook sections about hair, makeup, and jewellery expectations.
  • Keep an eye on what your children are watching, as it can affect their behaviour at school.
  • Provide real-life learning opportunities at home, while shopping, and during car rides.
  • Give your child plenty of rest so they return refreshed and ready to learn.
  • Arrive at school by 8:45 am on Monday, 15 July, with a positive attitude and readiness to learn.

I pray you all have a wonderful term break, and we look forward to welcoming you back next term.

jodie vamplew, head of primary