2 Sep 22

Raising the Flags, Celebrating Our Nation 

Newsletter | Community

Our Year 5 and Year 6 students recently had the privilege of taking part in the raising of the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags on our new flagpoles at the front of our College.  

Mr Gleeson marveled at the powerful symbolism in each flag and explained each element before the flags were raised one by one by Mr Simon Vamplew. 

There is much history represented in the Australian flag, including: the Union Jack, the Commonwealth star representing the union of the six states and territories, and the Southern Cross serves as a reminder of our geography. Furthermore, the beauty and simplicity of the Aboriginal flag’s colours convey meaning: ochre symbolising the earth; black representing the Aboriginal people, and the central yellow circle representing the sun. In addition, the green and blue of the Torres Strait Islander flag symbolises the land and sea; the black represents its people, and the central shape symbolises the national headdress with the flag’s star representing the five major island groups and their seafaring nature. 

Principal David Gleeson closed in prayer after the Australian National Anthem was sung:

“We are thankful for the opportunity to celebrate our nation, recognise the indigenous people who live and have lived here, and to acknowledge that working together and loving one another is your good plan. Amen.” David Gleeson 

What a privilege to be reminded that the whole earth is the Lord’s including the land our College is built on, and we are blessed to live with people from such a diverse range of cultural backgrounds. 

The Community Team