22 Jul 22

Secondary Term Three Reminders

Newsletter | Secondary Update

Welcome back to Term Three. We have a number of events happening this term including Year 10 work experience, Year 11 camp and Year 9 camp to name a few. We want to make sure these events and others run, so it is important that we maintain our safe COVID practises that we have become used to over the last few years.

The government advice strongly recommends the wearing of face masks in indoor settings, and that household close contacts attending school who are over 8 years of age are required to wear face masks indoors unless they have a valid exemption. The government also requires everyone including students aged 8 years and above to wear a face mask when travelling on public transport, taxis or ride share vehicles.

As a College, we will continue following our normal COVID practises including staying home if exhibiting flu-like symptoms, using hand sanitiser upon entering classrooms, social distancing as much as we can, having air purifiers in classrooms, and staggering secondary year level departure times at the end of the day.

We will continue to use Study Hall when needed. I spoke about Study Hall in a newsletter article last term, where students continue working independently on CANVAS in our Auditorium despite staff illness. This allows us to avoid the need to go back to offsite online learning.

Let’s continue to do all we can to protect ourselves and each other during this time.

Derek Bendall, Head of Secondary