20 May 22

Senior Years Pathways

Newsletter | Secondary Update

Once students enter their senior years, having them on the right pathway for success is one of the most important priorities we have as a College.

We want to make sure that all our students are set up for success and that they achieve what they want to achieve before they leave us at the end of Year 12. We do this through a number of ways. In some cases, we will call a family meeting where parents, teachers and student have a discussion and, in partnership, decide what is the right course. In these meetings we will talk about different pathways we have at the College. If you are interested in those pathways, we have an information night coming up that would be very helpful to you.

On Wednesday June 01, 2022, during the evening, we will be running two sessions to discuss VCE, VET and VCE VM.

From 6:00 – 7:00pm we invite all current Year 8 and Year 9 families to talk about what Year 9 and Year 10 looks like respectively. In both year levels, electives can be chosen that will set the foundation for their VCE subjects and will give students the knowledge on what senior pathways might suit them.

From 7:15 – 8:30pm we invite all current Year 10 and Year 11 families to talk about what the final years will look like, so families can commence choosing the right pathway.

The pathways that will be discussed will be the current popular VCE program that sets students up for University, VCE VM which is the recreated VCAL course which now is under the VCE banner but with vocational subjects involved, and we will also discuss VET subjects that can be undertaken in both courses.

I highly recommend attending the evening if you have questions or are curious about what the future holds for our senior students.

Derek Bendall, Head of Secondary