20 May 22

Spotlight on Teaching and Learning

Newsletter | Teaching and Learning

At Melton Christian College we continue to commit to excellence in teaching and learning with our approach to catering for the whole child. Our commitment continues for all our teachers to know the needs of our students including, academically, socially, and emotionally. Here are some ways we have sought to do this in 2022:

Collection of Data to Drive Differentiated Practice: Catering to Every Student’s Needs

We continue to inform our teaching and learning through targeted formative assessment: What do our students know? Where do I need to take them next? And through summative assessment: how well have they understood what they have been taught?

We collect and use a range of data, including standardised testing. This term, Year 2-6 students have completed a formal reading comprehension assessment, which measures their capability and skill in reading for understanding. This data helps classroom teachers pinpoint where each student is at in this critical skill and tailor learning opportunities to further advance each learner’s reading capability. Each student’s reading comprehension progress is measured and tracked throughout the course of their schooling at the College.

We use this data together with a variety of assessment collected through classroom practice to design purposeful teaching and learning experiences. We understand that not every student learns at the same rate or in the same way. Data shapes our teaching and engage the learners in our care: the kids who are in front of us. The data we collect represents God’s unique image bearers. Our primary objective is to cultivate and show growth in every learner.  We recognise and celebrate growth. In doing so, we uphold our commitment to God’s Creation Mandate to grow and develop the whole child and develop their awareness of their Creator’s love and good intention for their lives.

Teacher Professional Development

A great teacher never stops learning. Our staff team have this attitude towards their own professional practice. Last term our team’s professional learning day focused on improving student learning outcomes through data and differentiating practice. Staff were immersed in a day of extending their understanding on the latest research-based evidence on how to collect data and use this data to differentiate in their classroom so that we can better cater for all students in their learning journey.

We also continued to learn more about the science of reading approach by upskilling our understanding of our L.E.M phonics program in professional learning session with John Garrard, the head of L.E.M phonics.

We look forward to sharing more with you throughout the year.

Lydia Palmieri and Jill Monnik, Primary Teaching and Learning Coordinators