22 Jul 22

Strong Partnerships Enhance Student Success

Newsletter | Community

We love our parent community!

I am confident that when you interviewed for a place at our College, the word ‘partnership’ would have been used and highlighted as a crucially important aspect of our community. We acknowledge that schooling is the most significant partnership that parents will embark on with their children. At MCC, we consider our parents to be critical to the success of our students’ learning, confidence and overall wellbeing.

Positive family/school community partnerships enhance and develop student success.

I love hearing beautiful stories from our staff as they interact and connect with our parent community. If you have visited our website lately, you will read on the home page that we are ‘Partners in Education’. We understand that parent partnership within our school community is a significant and pivotal relationship that needs to be nurtured and is central to who we are. We acknowledge that our role as staff is to support parents in their God-appointed role of raising and educating their children.

So, how do we foster parent partnership and engagement here at MCC?

  • We invite and welcome conversation – we take every opportunity to connect and chat about anything big or small.
  • We love to hear from our parents – please share with us any needs/concerns you have.
  • We celebrate our students – please share with us anything we can be celebrating with your child and family.
  • We love you to be engaged in your child’s education journey at home. Learning at home consolidates what is happening in the classroom.
  • We journey together; parents and teachers as a team, to navigate and resolve friendship/academic/behaviour situations.
  • We clearly communicate any College events or opportunities for connection with parents and carers.

What an honour and privilege it is, to serve our community together as we support our students in their education journey.

Kellie Giannes, Year 1 – 2 Coordinator