5 Aug 22

Successful Partnership

Newsletter | Secondary Update

The success of any College relies on the partnership between home and school. When there is real partnership, and the focus of both the parents and teachers working together is to guide and aid the success of the child, very rarely does it fail. Student’s success is what we all want. Parents want their child to succeed in their education, and guess what… so do the teachers! Teachers are very passionate about guiding their students to success and love talking about past success stories.

What is the key to a successful partnership? There are number of things we can each do to increase partnership, but I believe, one of the most important contributors to partnership is good communication. When we communicate effectively and we know what is going on at home as well as at school, many misconceptions and misunderstandings can be avoided.

I encourage all parents, if there is something that you are concerned about, at home or at the College, connect with us. The easiest way to do this is to send an email through to your child’s homeroom teachers.

As we move into semester two, there have been some changes in homeroom teachers. I would like to list them for you now so you can double check your child’s homeroom teachers and who you might want to connect with if you have any concerns.

Derek Bendall, Head of Secondary

2022 Homerooms  Teachers
7A Linda Karman  [email protected]
Simon Doherty  [email protected]
7B Matthew Dupla  [email protected]
Mary McCarthy  [email protected]
7C Daniel Le Paez  [email protected]
Keenan Schier  [email protected]
7D Adam Court  [email protected]
Omega Raimundo  [email protected]
8A Marie Kantharidis  [email protected]
Carla Bendall/George Kokonis  [email protected][email protected]
8B Thornly Talasaia  [email protected]
Judy Lam  [email protected]
8C Elizabeth Sfameni  [email protected]
Vernessa Vennik  [email protected]
Phil Ryan  [email protected]
9A Nimmy Justus  [email protected]
Rod Grimaldos  [email protected]
9B Matthew Dion  [email protected]
Dawn McAvoy  [email protected]
9C Namrata Shipstone  [email protected]
Ashraf Mikhail  [email protected]
10A Jason Todio  [email protected]
Meshini Perera  [email protected]
10B Glen Pettifer  [email protected]
Pamela Mahachi-Rutsito  [email protected]
10C Priscilla Samuels  [email protected]
Darcy Paul  [email protected]
Senior J Josephine Roy  [email protected]
Daniel Pas  [email protected]
Senior G Sven Wardrop  [email protected]
Kerri-Anne Ciarniello  [email protected]
Senior C Natasha Oxley  [email protected]
Edwin Sammut  [email protected]
Senior D Jacob Lewis  [email protected]
Elissa Mueller  [email protected]