12 Jun 24


Newsletter | Primary Update

I don’t think it’s just a coincidence when the same word keeps coming up throughout the week. Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on thankfulness. I’m grateful for the chance to serve at Melton Christian College, thankful for our amazing students, and appreciative of all the good things we see in our classrooms every day.

Last week, the theme of thankfulness really stood out in our Chapel services. In the Prep to Year 2 Chapel, Mrs Githinji and Prep A talked about thankfulness and gratitude. They reminded us to take time to pray and thank God for the good things in our lives. The Prep A students shared what they’re thankful for, like parents and friends, and sang a lovely song thanking God for making them. We ended with some time for the children to think about one thing they could thank God for and express it in their hearts during prayer.

In the Years 3 to 6 Chapel, Ms Naidoo and Year 3A also focused on thankfulness and gratitude. They showed us the ‘thankful trees’ they created, which tied into our weekly doing verse. They talked about why it’s important to show gratitude when someone does something nice for us, sharing the powerful message: “If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness; it will change your life mightily.” They shared what and who they were thankful for, and the Bible story of the Ten Lepers highlighted the importance of gratitude.

At MCC, let’s take some time to appreciate what we have. We’re blessed with caring staff, amazing children, a Christ-centred curriculum, supportive parents, and a God who watches over us. What a wonderful community to belong to!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

God bless you all,
Jodie Vamplew.