6 Sep 23

Turning the Page on Book Week

Newsletter | Teaching and Learning

Book Week occurred in Week 7 with this year’s theme being ‘Read, Grow, Inspire.’ It was filled with learning, laughter, wacky costumes, a Resource Centre turned jungle, new books, old books, many books! I also saw each one of our college Core Values in full effect.

Passion for Teaching and Learning was evident as I walked by classrooms and saw windows fill up with book-related activities and artwork. As always, our teachers led the way and there were book reviews, Sydney Opera House-inspired art, posters, bookmark creations and so much more. As the Book Week Costume Parade drew closer, students were in and out of the Resource Centre asking for books and ideas for their costume and learning more about their chosen characters.

I witnessed Respect being shown to Tony Bones during an incursion, as he performed the book ‘Jorn’s Magnificent Imagination’ to our Brookfield and Toolern Vale Primary students. They were enraptured and managed to have a good laugh too. There was a friendly competition involving guessing the number of leaves in the Resource Centre that resembled a jungle (leaning into the ‘Grow’ theme!) During student lunchtimes, I saw Secondary students helping Primary students enter the competition and write down their answers as well as giving tips on how to get the correct guess. It was heart-warming to see mutual respect and collaboration between students that wouldn’t normally cross paths in everyday school life.

As they are each year, the Book Week Parades were a real highlight. They showed how well our college does Community. I had the privilege of being the MC for the Book Week Parade at Toolern Vale on Tuesday morning and two staggered Book Week Parades at Brookfield later that afternoon. The support and enthusiasm emanating from the students, teachers and their families was outstanding and contagious. Speaking of our MCC families, that brings us to Excellence. It can’t be overemphasised how important the role our families play in getting, buying, creating, and dreaming up costumes for our students each year. As a Primary parent myself, I tip my hat (or Optimus Prime mask as it was this year) to you all.

Underpinning all these values is Christ-Centredness. I mentioned during my Book Week Parade message that there are many great books and book-themed activities that take place during Book Week. However, never forget that the greatest book of all is the Bible. It transforms lives.

I look forward to partnering with you all as we build on these Core Values and help our students read, grow and be inspired. Bring on Book Week 2024!

Josh passarini, librarian