15 Feb 23

What a great way to start secondary school – Year 7 Camp!

Newsletter | Secondary Update

Close to 100 courageous Year 7s and 13 awesome staff headed off to PGL Campaspe Downs on the first day of school. This was such an effective way for staff and students to get to get to know one another. Students shared cabins with others in their homeroom and did outdoor activities such as canoeing, giant (double) swing, flying fox, aeroball, bushcraft, archery, orienteering and capture the flag led by enthusiastic PGL staff.

MCC staff led some indoor sessions exploring our College values and how to live these out as part of the MCC community. The feedback from students and staff alike has been really positive. What terrific cohort of Year 7s we have, and what an amazing team of dedicated staff! Thanks so much to the staff for their contribution to Camp, and to their families for sharing them with us for a few days.

Students have come into their classrooms in Week 2, knowing their classmates and ready for a wonderful year ahead. Already, they have so many amazing shared experiences, and their journey into secondary school has just begun!

Jenny Gillie, Year 7-8 Coordinator