29 Mar 23

Year 12 College Captains Announcement

Newsletter | Secondary Update

Last week we announced our College Captains for 2023.

It was a difficult process this year as we had a number of willing and able students for the roles.

Ultimately, the Captains were chosen based on who best represented our five Core Values of the College.

The Captains chosen are already modeling these five Core Values in their daily lives.

Our Captains live out this Core Value daily – they are respectful in all their interactions with both staff and students and show respect in all they do.

Our Captains value learning at MCC and place their studies as their highest priority during their weekly activities.

Our Captains are already proving that they are bringing this Core Value of excellence to their leadership roles, doing their very best in these roles.

Even before becoming Captains, these students had already started to lead discussions on how to bring community and belonging to our College.

I have already seen our Captains live out Christ’s example of leadership through serving others. They are already guiding, caring, and praying for students here at the College.

So it is with pleasure that I announce the following students as Captains of the College for 2023.

College Captains: Jack Ferguson and Kacie Lee
Vice Captains: Ryan Halim and Melanie Tsegay Benitez

Congratulations to those four students and I look forward to seeing God work through these four this year.

Derek Bendall, Head of Secondary